Tupe Wow

Tube + Tape + Wow = Tupe Wow

Interface Preview

Here’s a screenshot of Tupe Wow in action. Click anywhere on the interface to jump to a control’s definition below.

Advanced Controls, Page 1

Advanced Controls, Page 2

Advanced Controls, Page 3


Primary Controls


Controls the input drive before it hits the rest of Tupe Wow’s processing.

Drive includes a level meter embedded in the slider. This meter shows the peak level of the input signal before Tupe Wow’s processing.

If the signal peak exceeds or equals 0.0dB the meter color turns red.

  • Min -100%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%


The Tube section allows you to select the type of tube coloration from a variety of analog vacuum tube circuits. Some of the Tube Modes are fairly simple preamps or single-tube circuits, while others are entire amplifier stages (with multiple tubes and transformers). Additionally, some of the tube modes are modded tube circuits that were created in the Goodhertz lab and are not commercially available.

What do tubes sound like?

Broadly speaking, tubes sound warm while also sounding fairly articulate.

Tubes generally exhibit higher 2nd-order (even) harmonic distortion than, say, analog tape does, which contributes to their big, warm sound. The articulate sound of tubes comes, in part, from their dynamic compression characteristics: tubes are nonlinear devices, and they really respond to playing dynamics in a wonderful & musical way.

All of these tube characteristics (and more!) have been captured in Tupe.

Tube Amount

Controls the amount of tube coloration.

0% is totally clean: no harmonic distortion, tonal coloration, or noise.

200% is the exact opposite.

100% is the true-to-life setting, most closely mimicking what you might get with analog hardware.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 200%
  • Default 100%

Tube Mode

Selects the analog tube model used in the Tube section.

Option About Discussion
5751 Lo

5751 Line Amp

Gentle crunch to very gritty tube crunch. Fairly neutral tonality. Strong 2nd-order (even) harmonics.

5751 Med

5751 Line Amp

Similar to 5751 Lo but with stronger 2nd-order (even) harmonics.

5751 Hi

5751 Line Amp

Quick transition to gritty tube crunch. Brighter tonality with lots of air. Strong 2nd-order (even) harmonics.

6L6 Lo

6L6 Power Amp

Strong tube compression. Big low end. More balanced 2nd-order (even) and 3rd-order (odd) harmonics.

6L6 Med

6L6 Power Amp

Similar to 6L6 Lo but with more saturation, especially in the low end.

6L6 Hi

6L6 Power Amp

Similar to 6L6 Med but with even more saturation.

EL34 Lo

EL34 Power Amp

Earlier onset of harmonics, generally more distorted but also more consistent. Very crispy when pushed hard.

EL34 Hi

EL34 Power Amp

Similar to EL34 Lo but even crispier. Great as a harmonic exciter.


12AX7 Preamp

Strongest 3rd-order harmonics. Fairly smooth breakup, very flat frequency response until pushed hard.

  • Default 5751 Lo

Tube Bias

Controls the tube circuit’s bias.

Use the tube bias control to shape the character and onset of harmonic distortion. 0% is generally the most neutral sounding, whereas 100% can produce some fuzzy tones with strange dynamic characteristics.

What is tube bias?
A full discussion of tube bias is definitely beyond the scope of this manual, but in practical terms, you can think of the bias as setting the “center point” of the circuit.

Generally, the bias set in such a way that the gain curve remains fairly linear, and the tube life is prolonged. However, if the bias is shifted, funky things can happen: quiet signals can suddenly end up a highly nonlinear area of the gain curve, the harmonics & dynamics change, etc. Since you don’t have to worry about frying any tubes in Tupe, feel free to experiment with the bias control, listening especially to how it affects the onset and harmonic overtones of the saturation.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Tube Noise

Controls the gain of the analog tube noise.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Tube Ripple Amount

Adjusts the depth of the tube ripple distortion.

0% is no ripple.

100% is maximum ripple.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Tube/Tape Order

Controls the processing order for the Tube/Tape

Option Symbol
Tube -> Tape

Tape -> Tube

  • Default Tube -> Tape


The Tape section allows you to select the type of tape coloration from a variety of analog tape machines.

What does tape sound like?

The sound of a particular tape machine depends a lot on the size, speed, and magnetic characteristics of the actual tape being used. In general, the faster and wider the tape, the higher fidelity. For example, cassette tape decks — which use fairly thin tape running at slow speeds — have more frequency coloration and noise than a large reel-to-reel machine would have.

Tape machines generally exhibit less 2nd-order (even) harmonic distortion than analog tubes do, which often gives tape a more grainy, crunchy saturation sound. Tape usually has more obvious high frequency roll-off & noise and can dull or smooth out transients when pushed.

All of these tape characteristics (and more!) have been captured in Tupe.

Tape Amount

Controls the amount of tape saturation.

0% is totally clean: no harmonic distortion, tonal coloration, or noise.

200% is the exact opposite.

100% is the true-to-life setting, most closely mimicking what you might get with a well-tuned analog tape machine.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 200%
  • Default 100%

Tape Mode

Selects the analog tape model used in the Tape section.

Option About Discussion
2 Track Hi

15 IPS

Reel-to-reel machine running at 15 inches per second (ips). The most “hi-fi” Tape Mode in Tupe Wow. Strong 3rd-order harmonics and a beefy low end.

2 Track Lo

7.5 IPS

Reel-to-reel machine running at 7.5 inches per second (ips). Strong 3rd and 2nd-order harmonics and a rounder sound.

C90 Hi

3.75 IPS

4-track cassette machine running at 3¾ inches per second (ips). Significant saturation with strong 3rd-order harmonics, particularly in the low end.

C90 Lo

1.875 IPS

4-track cassette machine running at 1⅞ inches per second (ips). Lots of high frequency roll-off.

FE90 Hi

3.75 IPS

4-track cassette machine running cheap, ferrous (Fe) tape at 3¾ inches per second (ips).

FE90 Lo

1.875 IPS

4-track cassette machine running cheap, ferrous (Fe) tape at 1⅞ inches per second (ips).

C90 Toy

1.875 IPS

A toy cassette tape recordering aged for ~30 years. Extremely filtered.

At their default settings, each Tape Mode does NOT produce analog noise. To achieve more realistic tape sounds, use the advanced Tape Noise control to turn up the noise.

Tape Model Specifications

Type Freq. Response SNR
15 Inches-Per-Second 18Hz – 16kHz (±3dB) -67 dB
7.5 Inches-Per-Second 14Hz – 13kHz (±3dB) -66 dB
3.75 Cassette 23Hz – 13kHz (±3dB) -60 dB
1.875 Cassette 30Hz – 10kHz (±3dB) -58 dB
  • Default 2 Track Hi

Tape Bias

Controls the bias of the tape machine.

See Tube Bias for more information on how bias works and what to listen for.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Tape Noise

Controls the gain of the analog tape noise.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Tape Wow Amount

Adjusts the depth of the wow & flutter modulation.

0% is no modulation.

100% is maximum modulation.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Output Gain

Controls the output gain after Tupe Wow’s processing.

Output Gain includes a level meter embedded in the slider. This meter shows the peak level of the output signal after Tupe Wow’s processing.

If the signal peak exceeds or equals 0.0dB the meter color turns red, indicating that clipping could occur. Tupe Wow will never clip internally, due to its double-precision floating-point processing, but the signal might be clipped at a later stage (by the host/DAW or DAC).

  • Min -24.0dB
  • Max 24.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB


Tupe Wow’s Opto section is our take on a 1960’s-inspired optical compressor/limiter, drawing from some our favorite compressors of all-time, both old and new.

We’ve sped things up a bit, especially in the limiter mode, so that the movement is a bit snappier and more reactive than a typical opto compressor would be, which can sound awesome mixed in parallel (with either the Opto Amount or Master Mix controls).

What does an opto compressor sound like?

Generally, opto compressors have a very natural, musical sound, and amazingly, they can be both pillowy and punchy at the same time. This is due, in part, to the program-dependent attack/release that opto’s usually have: the attack and release times depend greatly on what exactly the audio coming into the compressor is doing.

Some opto compressors (like Tupe Wow!) also have a bit more fuzz and harmonic coloration than their solid state counterparts, adding to their warm, woolly characteristics.

Opto Mode

Selects the compression type used for the Opto section.

Option About Discussion

Opto Compressor

A fairly quick & punchy opto-style compressor (though much slower & more forgiving than Tupe Wow’s Opto Limiter).

Use it to add punch, smooth out level swings, and provide a little extra presence & pressure.

Due to the nature of the compressor sidechain circuit, gain reduction tops out around 12-15 dB


Opto Limiter

An extremely fast opto-style peak limiter.

When pushed beyond 10 dB of gain reduction it will begin exhibit obvious distortion, crunch, and pumping.

  • Default COMP

Opto Amount

Controls the amount of compression.

0% is no compression.

50% is a 50/50 mix of the compressed signal and the dry signal.

100% is 100% compression with no additional gain.

Above 100% is 100% compression with increased input gain (though still level matched).

Opto Amount includes a gain reduction meter embedded in the slider. The halfway point corresponds to approximately 10 dB of gain reduction.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 200%
  • Default 0%

Opto Position

Changes the processing order of the opto compressor/limiter.

Options: PRE, BTW, POST, SAT

The BTW (between) mode places the compressor/limiter between the tube/tape.

The SAT (saturation) mode applies compression to the pre-saturation signal only, leaving the final output signal uncompressed. This can be extremely useful with wide dynamic range sounds where you want to preserve the dynamics while also maintaining a consistent level of analog saturation.

  • Default POST

Master Mix

Controls Tupe Wow’s overall wet/dry mix.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 100%


Tube On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Tube section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

Tape On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Tape section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

Opto On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Opto section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

Filter On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Filter section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

Emphasis On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Emphasis section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

Ripple/Wow On/Off

Turns On or Off Tupe Wow’s Ripple/Wow section.

Options: Off, On

  • Default On

VU Meter Mode

VU Meter Mode switches Tupe Wow’s VU meter display mode between drive level, gain reduction, and output level.

Option About

Drive Meter


Gain Reduction


Output Meter

Use the DRIVE mode to meter the approximate Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in Tupe Wow.

Use the GR (gain reduction) mode to meter the total gain reduction in Tupe Wow. This includes any natural gain reduction caused by the tube or tape sections.

  • Default DRIVE

Master On/Off

Bypasses Tupe Wow’s processing.

We recommend using the Master On/Off instead of your DAW’s plugin bypass to avoid digital artifacts.

  • Default On

Advanced Controls

The Advanced section offers more precise control and fine adjustment options.

To access Tupe Wow’s advanced controls, click the ••• icon in the sidebar.

Signal Flow

Tupe’s processing is highly configurable, and many of the the processing blocks can be reordered to create specific sounds or effects. Before we get into the Advanced Controls, it’s helpful to understand the signal flow in Tupe and how each section interacts.

Here’s a simplified block diagram that shows all of the different routing options:

Tupe Signal Flow

Ladder Filter

Tupe Wow’s Filter section provides highly flexible filtering & tone shaping with a wonderfully musical sound.

Based on 1960’s ladder filter chains, Tupe Wow uses a new analog-modeled filter design for us at Goodhertz. Unlike a typical ladder filter, we’ve developed a way to fully separate the ladder’s slope and resonance — allowing them to function independently. Additionally, both the slope and resonance can be positive or negative, opening up new shapes and curves that would be impossible (or very difficult) to achieve with a standard parametric EQ.

As always in Goodhertz plugins, the Filter section is fully automatable and provides smooth, sample-accurate sweeping from one setting to the next.

Filter Position

Changes the processing order of the filter section.

Options: PRE, BTW, POST

The BTW (between) mode places the filter between the tube/tape. If Filter Position and Opto Position are both set to BTW, the filter is processed first.

  • Default PRE

Filter Tilt

Varies the amount of spectral tilt in the Filter section.

Negative values tilt the sonic spectrum toward the bass.

Positive values tilt toward the treble.

  • Min -18.0dB
  • Max +18.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Filter Freq Low

Controls the corner frequency of the low filter.

  • Min 20Hz
  • Max 20.0kHz
  • Default 125Hz

Filter Resonance Low

Controls the amount of filter resonance at the Filter Freq Low frequency.

Boosts above 18 dB will begin to self-oscillate and can be used for interesting sweeping / feedback effects.

  • Min -24.0dB
  • Max 24.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Filter Slope Low

Continuously varies the slope of the low filter.

Positive values create a low shelf boost. Negative values begin as a low shelf cut and eventually morph into a pure low cut.

  • Min -100%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Filter Freq High

Controls the corner frequency of the high filter.

  • Min 20Hz
  • Max 20.0kHz
  • Default 4.00kHz

Filter Resonance High

Controls the amount of filter resonance at the Filter Freq High frequency.

Boosts above 18 dB will begin to self-oscillate and can be used for interesting sweeping / feedback effects.

  • Min -24.0dB
  • Max 24.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Filter Slope High

Continuously varies the slope of the high filter.

Positive values create a high shelf boost. Negative values begin as a high shelf cut and eventually morph into a pure high cut.

  • Min -100%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Filter Scale

Changes the display scaling of the Filter section.

  • Min +-30 dB
  • Max +-7.5 dB
  • Default +-30 dB

Filter Trim

Adjusts the gain trim of the Filter section.

This can be useful to level match the signal before it hits the tube and tape sections.

Filter Trim also has a triangular indicator floating to the right side of the slider indicating Tupe Wow’s best guess of the optimal setting for level matching.

  • Min -18.0dB
  • Max +18.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Calibration Trim

Calibration Trim controls the calibration level as seen by the Tupe Wow input.

Set this control correctly, and Tupe Wow should take care of all the level matching / compensation for you.

For louder sources, calibration levels closer to -18.0dB may be most appropriate. For individual instruments, pushing the Calibration Trim towards +18.0dB may be more desirable.

It can be very useful to lock this control while switching presets. Just right-click anywhere on the Calibration Trim and choose “Lock Calibration Trim When Switching Presets.”

The Calibration Trim control has some handy metering with a triangle (▲) indicator that points to Tupe Wow’s best guess of the optimal calibration level for the current input signal level.

  • Min -18.0dB
  • Max +18.0dB
  • Default -6.0dB

Emphasis Filter

The Emphasis section uses the same overall design as the Filter section, but instead of filtering the audio signal directly, it only affects the tube/tape saturation signals.

This is useful for emphasizing or deemphasizing the saturation in certain areas: the frequency curve of the Emphasis section affects the signal being driven into the tube/tape and is automatically compensated by Tupe Wow to maintain a flat overall frequency response.

This section is fairly advanced (which is why we’ve put it in a new advanced page), so if you’re already feeling overwhelmed by Tupe’s control-set, don’t feel like you need to use the Emphasis pane just yet. The presets can also be useful for learning more about what the Emphasis section can do.

Here’s an example:

Want less distortion in the bass frequencies?
Pull down the bass in the Emphasis.

Want a more crushed/distorted low end?
Push up the bass in the Emphasis.

Emphasis Tilt

Varies the amount of spectral tilt in the Emphasis section.

Negative values tilt the sonic spectrum toward the bass.

Positive values tilt toward the treble.

  • Min -18.0dB
  • Max +18.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Emphasis Freq Low

Controls the corner frequency of the low emphasis filter.

  • Min 20Hz
  • Max 20.0kHz
  • Default 125Hz

Emphasis Resonance Low

Controls the amount of resonance at the Emphasis Freq Low frequency.

  • Min -24.0dB
  • Max 24.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Emphasis Slope Low

Continuously varies the slope of the low emphasis filter.

Unlike Filter Slope Low, Emphasis Slope Low produces a shelf for all positive & negative values.

  • Min -100%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Emphasis Freq High

Controls the corner frequency of the high emphasis filter.

  • Min 20Hz
  • Max 20.0kHz
  • Default 4.00kHz

Emphasis Resonance High

Controls the amount of resonance at the Emphasis Freq High frequency.

  • Min -24.0dB
  • Max 24.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Emphasis Slope High

Continuously varies the slope of the high emphasis filter.

Unlike Filter Slope High, Emphasis Slope High produces a shelf for all positive & negative values.

  • Min -100%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 0%

Emphasis Scale

Changes the display scaling of the Emphasis section.

  • Min +-30 dB
  • Max +-7.5 dB
  • Default +-30 dB

Emphasis Trim

Adjusts the gain trim of the Emphasis section.

This can be useful to level match the signal before it hits the tube and tape sections.

Emphasis Trim also has a triangular indicator floating to the right side of the slider indicating Tupe Wow’s best guess of the optimal setting for level matching.

  • Min -18.0dB
  • Max +18.0dB
  • Default 0.0dB

Tube Ripple

The Tube Ripple section provides additional controls to tweak the ripple effect introduced by vacuum tubes.

Tube Ripple Frequency

Changes the fundamental frequency of the tube ripple.

Options: 60 Hz, 50 Hz

  • Default 60 Hz

Tube Ripple Filter

Changes the filter staging applied to the tube ripple.

Options: I Stage, II Stage

  • Default I Stage

Tape Wow

The Tape Wow section provides additional controls to tweak the wow & flutter modulations introduced by magnetic tape.

Tape Wow Speed Adjustment

Increases or decreases the tape speed. If Tape Wow Speed Adjustment Mode is set to Wow + IPS, Tape Wow Speed Adjustment also affects the frequency response of the tape accordingly.

Faster speed imparts a brighter sound.

Slower speed imparts a darker sound.

  • Min -1.00
  • Max 1.00
  • Default 0.00

Tape Wow Speed Adjustment Mode

Changes the adjustment mode of the tape speed.

Option About

Wow + IPS

WOW Only

Wow Only

IPS Only

IPS Only

Wow + IPS adjusts both the wow speed and the frequency response.

Wow Only adjusts the wow speed without affecting the frequency response.

IPS Only adjusts the frequency response without affecting the wow speed.

  • Default WOW IPS

Tape Wow Stereo Phase

Alters the stereo phase of the wow & flutter modulation.

At , each channel’s modulation is exactly the same.

At 180°, the modulation is completely out of phase. This produces a wider stereo image and interesting doubling effects.

  • Min
  • Max 360°
  • Default 180°

Tape Wow Stereo Phase Enabled

Turns On or Off the Tape Wow Stereo Phase control.

  • Default Off

Tape Wow Wet/Dry

Controls the blend of the wow & flutter signal with the dry, uneffected signal.

0% is all dry signal.

100% is all wow & flutter signal.

50% is an equal blend of the dry and the wow & flutter signals that produces interesting phasing and comb-filtering effects.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 50%

Tape Wow Wet/Dry Enabled

Turns On or Off the Tape Wow Wet/Dry control.

  • Default Off

Tape Wow Randomization

Controls the amount of random modulation applied to the wow & flutter oscillations.

  • Min 0%
  • Max 100%
  • Default 50%

Tape Wow Randomization Enabled

Turns On or Off the Tape Wow Randomization control.

  • Default Off

Adv Page

Selects which Advance Page is displayed.


This control affects the display only (not the sound).

  • Default FILTER+CAL

HQ Mode

HQ Mode is our no-holds-barred processing mode where super high quality audio is given priority over CPU usage.

When HQ Mode is turned On, Tupe Wow uses a higher precision algorithm, providing better spectral resolution at the expense of some added latency (~50 ms) and higher CPU usage.

We recommend using HQ Mode when you need the highest possible quality and don’t mind 2-4x higher CPU usage. An important lead instrument, vocal, or a mastering session is a great place for HQ Mode.

HQ Mode will require more CPU resources and result in a slightly higher processing delay (latency). To ensure proper delay compensation in your host/DAW, automating HQ Mode is not recommended.

  • Default Off


Supported Channel Configurations

Input Channel # Output Channel #
1 1
1 2
2 2


Annlie Huang / Chris Conover / Diana Zheng / Hunjiya / James Edmondson / Joe Dart / Ross Jenkins / Sean Costello / TaeHo Park / Theo Katzman / Tyler Duncan


Devin Kerr / Rob Stenson / Jasper Duba / Noah Dayan / Bradley Immel


TaeHo Park / Tiago Frúgoli / Noah Dayan / Sydney Bolton / Enrico Cirene

About Goodhertz Plugins

User Interface

Goodhertz plugins are made to be workhorse tools that sound amazing. We’ve put a lot of thought and care into the audio quality and plugin usability, and for that reason, we’ve opted for simple and direct controls & interfaces that don’t rely on photorealistic knobs or ornamental screw heads to communicate their meaning.

We’ve also decided to only include meters and graphs when we feel they will directly lead to a better sonic result. Meters/graphs can consume significant CPU resources, and we firmly believe that if it sounds good, it is good.

Our meters can be reset at any time using the “Reset Meters” button (in certain plugins) and manually enabled or disabled via the “Enable Metering” User Preference.

Preset Bar

Button Action
Undo the last parameter change.
Redo the last parameter change.
Switch to the previous preset.
“Preset Name” Opens the preset drawer (Option/Alt + Click to reset all plugin settings to preset).
Switch to the next preset.
Selects the A settings state.
This copies the current settings to the opposite A/B state; i.e. if you’re on the A state, clicking the arrow will copy those settings to the B state.
Selects the B settings state.


Introduced in version 3.10, the toolbar at the bottom of the plugin holds a handful of shortcut buttons.

Icon Action
Opens preferences menu
Shows diagnostic information
Opens plugin manual in your default web browser
Opens a URL representation of the current plugin control state (Command/Ctrl + Click to copy the URL to the clipboard)
Opens language-selection menu
Shrink interface
Enlarge interface

Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Enter New Parameter Value Once you’ve tapped or double-tapped a control, type in a value, then hit Enter, Return, or Tab
Increment Parameter Value or arrow keys
Decrement Parameter Value or arrow keys
Jump to Next Parameter Tab
Jump to Previous Parameter Shift + Tab or ` (backtick)
Escape Parameter Focus / Close any Open Drawers Esc
Tap Tempo t (N.B. For this to work, you must have a BPM control selected.)
Save Preset n (N.B. For this to work, the preset panel must be open.)
Set Preset as Favorite f (N.B. For this to work, the preset panel must be open.)
Edit Preset e (N.B. For this to work, the preset panel must be open.)
Update Preset u (N.B. For this to work, the preset panel must be open.)
Delete Preset Delete (N.B. For this to work, the preset panel must be open.)

Right-Click Actions

Action Instruction
Read about Control in manual Right-Click & select “Show in Plugin Manual”
Reset Control to Default Right-Click & select “Reset to Factory Default Value”
Lock Control when switching presets Right-Click & select “Lock When Switching Presets”
Copy current plugin settings to clipboard Right-Click & select “Copy as URL to Clipboard”
Paste all plugin settings from clipboard Right-Click & select “Paste From Clipboard”
Reset all plugin settings to Defaults Right-Click & select “Reset to Factory Defaults”
Reset all plugin metering Right-Click & select “Reset Meters” (only available in certain plugins)
Reset all plugin settings to Preset Right-Click & select “Reset to [preset] Preset”
Update Preset with current plugin settings Right-Click & select “Update [preset] Preset”
Create new Preset with current plugin settings Right-Click & select “Create New Preset”
Go to the plugin’s manual page Right-Click & select “Read [plugin name] Manual”

Right-Click Preferences

Action Explanation
Language Switch the display language of text elements in Goodhertz plugins. We currently support the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), and Arabic.
Always Open Advanced Pane By default, this is Off — i.e. when the plugins open, they do not show you the advanced controls available by hitting the ••• button in the sidebar. If you’d like to always see the advanced controls, enable this preference.
Control Granularity By default, all Goodhertz controls move in small increments when dragged. If you prefer controls to operate with larger increments by default, change this option to Coarse. N.B. This will swap the behavior of the Shift mouse modifier - i.e. Shift-dragging will move a control with standard granularity when set to Coarse.
Dark Mode Allows you to choose the color palette used for displaying the interface. If you prefer the look of dark colors (or work in a darker environment) enable this option. The Auto option will automatically adjust the color scheme depending on the system preferences of your machine (Mac only).
Enable Hover Markers By default, this is On — i.e. all controls will show markers on hover. If you find this behavior unnecessary, deselect this option and no markers will be shown.
Enable Metering By default, this is On — i.e. in normal operation, all audio meters and visualizations available in Goodhertz plugins are enabled and running. If you’d like to turn them off and disable all metering and visualization, deselect this option. And to turn them back on, simply reselect it. N.B. If you’re struggling to use a large number of Goodhertz plugins on an older processor with an integrated GPU, sometimes disabling metering can help.
Enable Scroll Input By default, all Goodhertz sliders can be scrolled in addition to dragged. If you find this behavior unnecessary, deselect this option and no scrolling events will be used to control Goodhertz sliders.
Enable Tooltips By default, this is On — i.e. all controls will show a tooltip on hover. If you find this behavior unnecessary, deselect this option and no tooltips will be shown.
GPU Acceleration By default, this is Enabled — i.e. the GPU will be prioritized whenever possible to improve graphics performance. If your graphics card does not support GPU acceleration, this preference will be automatically set to Reduced. N.B. If you experience graphics issues, disabling this preference may help.
Keyboard Focus By default, you can get keyboard focus on any Goodhertz control with a single click. Change this option to ensure keyboard focus only occurs on double clicks.
Window Size Enlarge or shrink the Goodhertz plugin window by selecting an option here. This will save your preference for all instances of this plugin.
Diagnostics Displays general information about the plugin and the configuration of your system for diagnostic purposes. If you experience any issues with the plugin, it can be helpful to include this information when contacting us. N.B. Clicking this window will copy the contents to the clipboard.

Mouse Modifiers

Action Combination (Mac) Combination (Windows)
Reset Parameter to Default Value Option + Click Alt + Click
Move Control with Coarse Precision Shift + Drag Shift + Drag
Move Control with Fine Precision Command + Drag Ctrl + Drag
Move Control with Normal Precision Drag Drag


Unintentional digital clicks and pops are the worst. They happen for lots of reasons and often end up wasting your time with needless revisions or mastering surgery. When they go unnoticed, they can make their way onto commercial albums and releases.

Plugin automation is a common cause of clicks and pops. Sweeping an EQ band, changing a delay setting, and even automating a plugin bypass can cause digital artifacts if poorly handled.

This is not true for Goodhertz plugins. Any parameter in a Goodhertz plugin, even on/off switches, can be automated freely and smoothly without clicks, pops, or zipper noises (unless otherwise noted). You can push them, pull them, LFO them — whatever you do, they’ll handle it gracefully.

Since our Master On/Off controls won’t create artifacts, we recommend that you use them rather than your DAW-supplied plugin bypass if you want to disable plugin processing.

Plugin Settings

Goodhertz plugin settings can be copied and pasted as text urls, which look like this: https://goodhertz.com/vulf-comp/3.0.9?cm=0&wf=0&lf=100&lfc=50

To copy and paste, right click anywhere on the plugin interface and select either the copy or the paste option.

E.g. If you paste “https://goodhertz.com/vulf-comp/3.0.9?cm=0&wf=0&lf=100&lfc=50” into Vulf Compressor it will recall the settings associated with that url. This way you can easily send an exact plugin setting to someone — in an email or even a tweet — without any guesswork or screenshots.”

System Requirements

Mac OS X ≥ 10.13

Audio Unit 64-Bit, VST 64-Bit, VST3 64-Bit, or AAX 64-Bit host

Windows ≥ 10

VST 64-Bit, VST3 64-Bit, or AAX 64-Bit host

Contact Support

To send plugin feedback, please e-mail us at feedback@goodhertz.com.

If you have a quick question, send us a tweet @Goodhertz. We’re often able to respond faster to tweets than emails.

If you’re having trouble, experiencing a technical issue, or you think you’ve found a bug, please email support@goodhertz.com.

Find all our contact info & bug-reporting protocol on the contact page.